
Welcome to Zapata County!

Our office is on the second floor of the courthouse located at 200 E. 7th Avenue Suite 249. Feel free to stop by and visit with our county agent.

Jesse Rodriguez

County Extension Agent

Agriculture and Natural Resources and 4-H and Youth Development


Watch these videos to learn more about the services offered through your local extension office.


Be sure to check out our events section for all upcoming Agrilife Zapata County events, programs, and important dates to remember!

Mailing List

We are currently working on a mailing list to send out newsletters, event invitations, and reminders of important dates. If you would like to join our mailing list, please email us at zapata-tx@ag.tamu.edu. Leave your name, address (both mailing and email), and a phone number. Thank you very much for your help in creating this list and being a part of Agrilife.